Oh hey, its like a week later and I am actually writing again! School has been taking over my life! AH omg, if you were in my APUSH class you would so realize why I haven't written. So I am on like homework OVERLOAD and the textbook , I would love to burn. It is terrible, the worst book ever. I really enjoy American History and reading but this textbook really makes it all a lot worse. Right now I am just trying my best.
Besides school I am watching Law & Order Criminal Intent SVU at the moment. I must say it definitely is one of the best shows on T.V. Really though its so good. It also teaches me a lot about rights,court,law,etc. SUPER GOOD
Lately, I've been really happy. I mean I always am but since the end of summer I have been super happy and it has been remaining this way. I am really glad too. One thing though, sometimes I get really lonely. I have friends and stuff but idk I just wish there was someone always with me that I know will be there and stuff. A bit mushy I know, but just saying
Oh! Tomorrow after school I go to Martha Graham <3 WONDERFUL ! It HURTS MY BACK SO BADLY, but I enjoy the dancing part. I have my chiropractor after it so its all good!
If you are wondering why I have a chiropractor its because I have lower back problems and my hips are very tight. Also lately my knees have been KILLING me. They are snapping and I know its not normal of course but I am just trying to ice it for now. When it gets worse I will go to the Orthopedic.
Well I have to go shave my legs now, haha<3
Night ! Love you all ( :
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