Hey! So i just saw someone post this blog site and I thought to myself .. Why not ?! So now I am an official blogger : ) Plus, this could be major help in English class - Sort of like practice. In Degrassi Darcy did something just like this too, except she put all nudish pictures on and that wont happen here haha.
Anyway, I'm 16 and my birthday is May 7. I have a brother Michael who is 26 and I have a sister in law (his wife) who I both really look up to and love. I live in NYC but I have been friends with half of Staten Island since I was little. My friends always make fun of me saying "Who weren't you friends with .." Yeah, so as you can grasp from that I am really friendly. I love talking, meeting new people, and being around people. I like to learn things from others. This summer I went to England and France and it was the most AMAZING experience I could have ever asked for. I learned so much and I am so grateful for that opportunity. Strange enough, I enjoy school A LOT! Chemistry is my favorite subject and I always want to learn something new in school... and I do. It's really facsinating what is out there to learn. I am hoping to become a pharmacist after discovering my passion for Chemistry. Yet, it would be totally cool to be a dancer and open up my own place because I have been dancing since I was 3 and I would be nothing without it. I am a dance major at my school and it is the highlight of my day (besides my class Advanced Chemistry which I will be starting Wed.) So if all goes down hill with me becoming a pharmacist, I have dance as a backup ( :
So pretty much there's some stuff about me but heres a random fact that I love : I'm a natural blonde ! Oh and I think music is probably the second most beautiful thing on this planet besides life.
I'm going to go check this site out a bit more and write soon. Thanks for reading : D
so touching
Awesome, You have a Blog!!! :D
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